Afghan Taliban have destroyed two Black Hawk helicopters, shared drone video of the strike.
Afghan Taliban declared that they destroyed two Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters of Afghanistan, granted by the United States for security purposes.
Afghan troops killed in this attack, Zabiullah Mujahid, who is the Spokesman of the Taliban, said on Monday.
Zabiullah Mujahid shared drone footage of the strike on Twitter. The destroyed Black Hawk helicopters of the US have been seen in the video.
The spokesperson of the Afghan Taliban Mohammad Naeem tweeted a statement:
"After the stooge enemy was exposed and suffered humiliating defeats across the country where thousands of soldiers defected and embraced the open arms of the Islamic Emirate, and nearly two hundred districts were cleansed from their malicious presence, the enemy has now reached for propaganda, fabrications, and other futile tactics," he said.
A few days before in Moscow, Taliban mediator Shahabuddin Delawar claimed that "Eighty-five percent of Afghanistan's territory is under the control of Afghan Taliban.
According to media reports, this incident happened at Kunduz Airport while conducting a tactical attack.
والي ولایة قندهار حاجي وفا: قد جاءت تعلیمات من اللجنة العسکریة و کذلک اعطینا تعلیمات للمجاهدین بان تدمیر المنشات والمرافق العامة و غیرها ممنوع بتاتا. لا یسمح لاحد بذلک بل علی المجاهدین الحفاظ علیها. نحن نطمئن الجمیع بان هذا وطننا جمیعا و بیتنا سنخدمه معا.
— Dr.M.Naeem (@IeaOffice) July 14, 2021