
Facebook Meta is working for future techonologies like Teleporting

eNewsPortal 06-Nov-2021 Techonology

Facebook META is for working future technologies of Teleporting Humans from one place to another. Last week, during presentation at Facebook’s annual virtual reality conference, Mark Zuckerberg appeared in a feature-length video detailing his plans for “the metaverse,” an immersive digital world powered by his own products. In Zuckerberg’s imagined realm, humans will teleport across the globe in hologram form. Virtual fish will swim in the sky. You’ll have a big virtual telescope in your house, and a floating cast-iron chiminea, and David Attenborough will be there. You’ll still have to spend your days on video conference calls for work, but now you can interact with you colleagues in some virtual space.

Though the term “metaverse” suggests a fully articulated sci-fi realm, Zuckerberg is using it to glamorize a network of virtual and augmented reality apps and gear, like headsets, that he swears will one day create a seamless illusion of a “deep feeling of presence.” He is devoting $10 billion this year to these projects (and more in the coming years) , assigning 10,000 workers to them and changing his company name to “Meta.” And he’s retooling his online persona, too, as he steps into another improbable role: that of virtual impresario.

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