
Muslims are being Attacked Continuously

eNewsPortal 23-Oct-2020 General

Last week, in the French town of Bayonne, a man 84 years trying to set fire to the mosque. When two passers-by wanted to stop him, he shot and wounded two of them before being arrested. On the same day in Paris, President Emmanuel Macron meets Muslim leaders at the Elysee Palace - not to discuss the threat to their community, but to urge them to increase efforts to combat religious extremism. Discrimination against minorities Where does this end? Discrimination against minorities is not only unlawful but also counterproductive for two reasons. First, oppression and discriminatory treatment always breed resentment and backlash. And secondly, the relationship with the affected communities, which is the police's best ally in maintaining public safety, is broken. A recent article in Le Monde, for example, noted that of 59 "terrorist" attacks that the Interior Ministry claims have been "prevented" on French territory in the last six years, 58 relying on human intelligence sources

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